Surrender of the Crown of England to Rome, 28 November 1554.

The Copy of the Supplication and Submission exhibited to the King and Queens Majesties by the Lords and Commons of the Parliament.

We, the lords spiritual and temporal, and the commons of this present parliament assembled—representing the whole body of the realm of England and dominion, of the same, in our own names particularly, and also of the said body universally, in this supplication directed to your majesties with most humble suit, that it may, by your gracious intercession and means be exhibited to the most reverend father in God, the lord cardinal Pole, legate, sent specially hither from our most holy father pope Julius the Third, and the see apostolic of Rome—-do declare ourselves very sorry and repentant for the schism and disobedience committed in this realm and dominions of the same, against the said see apostolic, either by making, agreeing, or executing any laws, ordinance; or commandments against the supremacy of the said see, or otherwise doing or speaking what might impugn the same: offering ourselves, and promising by,this our supplication, that for a token and knowledge of our said repentance, we be, and shall be alway ready, under and with the authority of your majesties, to the uttermost of our power, to do that which shall be in us for the abrogation and repealing of the said laws and ordinance, in this present parliament; as well for ourselves, as for the whole body whom we represent.

Whereupon we most humbly beseech your majesties, as persons undefiled in the offence of this body towards the said see, which nevertheless God, by his providence, hath made subject unto your majesties, so to set forth this our most humble suit, that we may obtain from the see apostolic, by the said most reverend father, as well particularly as universally, absolution, release, and discharge from all danger of such censures and sentences, as by the laws of the church we be fallen in; and that we may, as children repentant, be received into the bosom and unity of Christ’s church, so as this noble realm, with all the members thereof, may, in unity and perfect obedience to the sea apostolic, and pope for the time being, serve God and your majesties, an the furtherance and advancement of his honour and glory. Amen.

 The supplication being read, the king and queen delivered the same unto the cardinal, who (perceiving the effects thereof to answer his expectation) did receive the same most gladly from their majesties; and after he had in few words given thanks to God, and declared what great cause he had to rejoice above all others, that his coming from Rome into England had taken most happy success; he, by the pope’s authority, did give them this absolution following.

 An Absolution pronounced by Cardinal Pole to the whole Parliament of England, in the Presence of the King and Queen.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, which with his most precious blood hath redeemed and washed us from all our sins and iniquities, that he might purchase unto himself a glorious spouse without spot or wrinkle, and whom the Father hath appointed head over all his church, he by his mercy absolve you! And we, by apostolic authority (given unto us by the most holy lord pope Julius the Third, his vicegerent in earth) do absolve and deliver you, and every of you, with the whole realm and dominion, thereof, from all heresy and schism, and from all and every judgment, censure and pain, for that cause incurred; and also we do restore you again unto the unity of our mother the holy church (as in our letters more plainly it shall appear), an the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.