Rev Robert Blair.
The Rev
Robert Blair is remembered for his work , and persecution , in
both Ulster and Scotland being one of the first Scottish
ministers to cross to Ulster in the time of the Plantation
The son of
John Blair and Beatrix Muir, of Windyedge he was born in 1593,
the youngest child of six. His father , a man devoted to
prayer, died when he was about five years old from Tuberculosis
, a disease that is thought to have contributed to bouts of ill
health and ultimately Robert`s death. He was able to go to
Glasgow University in 1608 where he met his life long friend
David Dickson., and continued his education with his brother
William Blair, later minister at Dumbarton. He then became a
school teacher in Glasgow having some 150 pupils allotted to his
care. It was in this period that he became acquainted with Dr
Boyd, Principal of Glasgow College which led to his admittance as
Regent or Professor of Philosophy and Greek in 1616. Here he was
encouraged by colleaques to read the classical authors and the
scriptures which opened his mind to the ministry. He sought to
become a minister and began the trials for that role by
preaching in the College kirk where his sermons were well
A cloud
descended, however, when Dr Boyd retired and Dr John Cameron was
brought from France as his replacement. Dr Cameron was of the
episcopalian belief and sought to make Robert Blair conform to
the Articles of Perth ( which reintroduced ceremony and the rule
of the bishops). Blair refused and following some antagonism and
pressure from the Archbishop of Glasgow he decided to leave the
College in 1623. He was offered several appointments in Glasgow
and even in France but very shortly afterwards he received the
invitation from Viscount Claneboye to go to Bangor in County Down

His arrival
in Bangor began with the news that the Dean was a sick man
and for three Sabbaths Blair preached at Bangor to the
satisfaction of the congregation. The Dean shortly died and the
Rev Robert Blair had his first hurdle to overcome – that of
ordination. The official church was the Church of Ireland and
episcopalian in practice, thus Blair could not be true to his
beliefs and accept ordination by a bishop. However, the early
years of the Plantation of Ulster was blessed by an enlightened
view, encouraged by Archbishop Ussher, and a way round the
quibbles was found. Bishop Knox knew of the reservations that
Blair had and proposed that the ordination would be by the
laying on of hands by the Rev Cunningham and other
Presbyterian ministers. The Bishop then suggested that he would
attend solely as a Presbyter which Blair was unable to refuse.
Thus some simple machinations made it possible for his
ordination which took place on 10 July 1623.
found that his new ministry was both large – over 1200
persons, and educationally backward. He set to work with great
determination and preached four times a week, interspersing this
with visiting people in their homes and helping them to read the
scriptures and understand them . He also was active in stirring
up others to like endeavours and worked most happily with the
Rev Cunningham in nearby Holywood who preached for one another and
celebrated the Communion four times a year in each of their
congregations annually.
ministry in Bangor was not without incident as John Howie in `
Scots Worthies` relates two tales about the Rev Blair. The first
concerned a horse dealer who had sold his horses in Scotland
and accepted a bond in payment which would be redeemed at Martinmas. Come the time the buyer , or as the dealer believed ,the
Devil, demanded his surrender saying that he had sold himself ,
not his horses. The Devil demanded that the dealer kill someone
and ordered him to kill the Rev Blair. The dealer called on
the minister armed with a dagger but was unable to draw it out
and fell trembling to the floor. On learning of the reason for
the dealer`s visit Blair exhorted him to seek refuge in the
Lord. Two weeks later the dealer called for Rev Blair to attend
him in his sick bed and said that the Devil had again appeared
to him and was to return to take him body and soul. Blair
attended at the time and prayed all night with the man in
defiance of the Devil such that the dealer was greatly
comforted and passed away peacefully and penitent.
The second
tale was of Blair`s deliverance from a fire which could have
killed him and possibly done severe damage to the house. This
came about when his candle burnt out while he was late at his
studies and he called for another. When it was brought by the
landlady she saw that a joist of his bed was on fire – had
he retired as usual and not been studying he may well have
died The timeous alarm enabled the fire to be put out and
all was saved.
But in the
autumn of 1631 the peace was shattered by the Bishops seeking to
regain control and to enforce episcopacy. Robert Blair and
Livingston were suspended by the Bishop of Down and Connor, Echlin.
However an appeal to Archbishop Ussher saw their re instatement
much to the displeasure of the Bishop who appealed to Archbishop
Laud in London. Laud had authority over all things ecclesiastical
and also the ear of the King. Instructions were issued via the
Irish government that the four leading Presbyterian ministers –
Reverends Blair, Livingston, Welsh and Dunbar should be re – tried.
This time Archbishop Ussher could not intervene as the King had
endorsed the order. In May 1632 all four were required to
conform to episcopacy and on refusing were deposed from the
On this
occasion Blair took himself to London to seek the intervention
of King Charles I. After some delay the King saw Blair and his
petition for reinstatement which he signed and indorsed “ Indulge
these men, for they are Scotsmen “. However, the new Lord Deputy of
Ireland was Thomas Wentworth. later Earl of Strafford, who did
not come to Ireland until July 1633. Blair soon found that that
Wentworth had his own agenda for the Presbyterians and the
outlook became black indeed..It was at this time that thoughts
turned to the possibility of asylum in the American colonies.
Fate then
played a cruel trick on the ministers when in May 1634
Wentworth allowed their re instatement for six months. This was
done at the behest of Lord Castlestuart, a Presbyterian nobleman,
to which Wentworth yielded for political advantage. The
reinstatement was , however, short lived as Bramhall, Bishop of
Derry took great exception and remonstrated with Wentworth. So it
was that in the November of 1634 Blair and his colleaques
were summoned before Bishop Echlin and the sentence of
excommunication passed on them. Blair responded by demanding the
Bishop should appear before the Tribunal of Jesus Christ to
answer for his deed. A few months later Echlin fell sick and
on his death bed admitted to his physician of the cause “ It is my
conscience, man .” Echlin died in 1635 and was replaced by Henry
Leslie, an equally obstreperous individual. who on 11 August passed
sentence of ` perpetual silence within this diocese ` on five
ministers – the Reverends Brice, Ridge, Cunningham , Calvert and
Blair had
lost his first wife Beatrix , the daughter of Robert Hamilton, a
merchant in Edinburgh in 1627. and had been left with the care
of three young children. .Early in 1635 he sought to marry
Catherine Montgomery, daughter of Hugh , Viscount Montgomery of the
Ards. Following a visit to Scotland the couple were married in
May 1636. After his excommunication Blair had continued to preach
in his own house or that of others but with the ongoing
persecution by the Bishops he joined with John Livingston and
others to go to the New World on board the “ Eaglewing “ . The
little ship of only 150 tons set sail on 9 September 1636 but
it was not meant to be as battered by heavy seas she returned
to Ireland on 3 November . The failure of that attempt at
emigration was a watershed for the Rev Blair as soon after the
return his son William died and to add to his burden it was
learnt that he and John Livingston were to be arrested. Thus
they hastily retreated to Irvine where fresh tribulations awaited
as he was forbidden to preach. Once again he sought to leave
the country and to join a regiment stationed in French but was
frustrated in this. Eventually his first wife`s sister, Barbara
Hamilton , petitioned the Privy Council and he was allowed to
preach once more.
In 1638
Blair was assistant for a while to the Rev McAnnan in Ayr
where he was favourably received so much so that he disobeyed
an order of the General Assembly in 1638 to remove to St
Andrews. In 1639 the Assembly, annoyed at the delay, peremptorily
ordered him to go to St Andrews where he was to minister for
some twenty three years. But there was good in the transfer for
at the same time the Rev Samuel Rutherford of Anwoth, was
transferred to become Professor of Divinity at St Mary`s
College. So began some twenty years of companionship and working
These were
turbulent times and Robert Blair was several times called to
assist the Church and the Army. In the Bishops` Wars Blair was
with Lord Boyd`s force that formed part of Leslie`s army at
Duns Law. After the victory at Newburn in the Second Bishop`s
War he was sent by the Committee of Estates to be wise
counsel to the Commissioners at the Treaty of Ripon in October
1641 . The negotiations were then transferred to London. where he
attended with Robert Baillie and George Gillespie.
In 1641
the rebellion in Ireland had driven many ministers from the land
and the General Assembly of 1642 received a number of requests
for help. Inevitably Robert Blair was one of the ministers who
went back to Ireland to preach sometimes twice a day on the
Sabbath and also at field meetings to large gatherings. On
returning from Ireland Blair was appointed to the Committee of
the General Assembly and in the autumn of 1643 was instrumental
in the drafting of the Solemn League and Covenant .
still had service to give the army when in 1643 he was
appointed minister with the Earl of Crawford`s regiment and was at
many of the engagements in which this regiment took part. including
Marston Moor in July 1644 After the regiment was withdrawn and
sent to deal with the incursions by the Marquis of Montrose he
returned to St Andrews. In July 1645 he was at the Parliament
and Commission of the Kirk sitting in Perth and took the
opportunity to preach to the soldiers of the Fife and Midlothian
Foot ( at Forgandenny on 27 July 1645) when he prophesied that
they would be punished for their sins and dissolute ways unless
they repented. The soldiers seem not to have done so as on 15
August 1645 the regiment was destroyed by Montrose`s forces at
Kilsyth. After this defeat there were moves by some Covenanters
to talk to Montrose which Blair strongly opposed until General
David Leslie was able to return from England and finally defeat
Montrose at Philliphaugh on 13 September.
In 1646
Blair was Moderator of the General Assembly and was despatched
with Andrew Cant and Robert Douglas to see King Charles I at
Newcastle where Alexander Henderson was already engaged in
trying to bring the King to accept Presbytery and the Covenants,
Despite great endeavour the king obstinately refused to accept
their arguements and Blair returned to St Andrews. In August 1646
Alexander Henderson died and the King appointed Blair to replace
him as the King`s Chaplain in Scotland. With some trepidation Blair
took up the task and with his usual diligence prayed twice
daily before dinner and supper. He also preached weekdays in the
church and took the opportunity to discuss prelacy, liturgies and
ceremonials with the king. Both then and later – when again
despatched by the General Assembly to talk to the King, he met
obstinatcy and refusal.
he must have known of the issues, it does not seem that Blair
was in the front line in the debate about ` the Engagement ` a
treaty by some Scottish Royalists to support King Charles in the
Civil War in England. came to naught when Oliver Cromwell dealt
out a thorough defeat at Preston in August 1648. But it was
Blair , the Rev David Dickson and Rev James Guthrie who were
sent to speak with Oliver Cromwell and elicit his views on
rule by a monarchy, religous toleration and whether the church
should be Episcopal, Independent or Presbyterian. Cromwell
declined to answer the last question which prompted Blair to
comment subsequently that Cromwell was “ A dissembler and great
liar “.
1649 saw
the end of King Charles I beneath the headsman`s axe and a new
furore among the Presbyterians who did not support the execution
of a Scottish King by the English. The alliance with the
English Parliamentarians quickly folded, accelerated by the Scots
declaration accepting the Crown Prince as King Charles II of
England Scotland and Ireland. The duplicity of King Charles II
was dealt with by Cromwell at Worcester in 1651 and he fled
to France. The next ten years saw bitter arguement and counter
accusation between the hard line Covenanters and the moderates
until the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. Then came the dark
despondency brought about by persecution of the Presbyterians.
An early
herald of this for Robert Blair was the appointment of the Rev
James Sharp of Crail, who took the bribe of elevation to
Archbishop of St Andrews. Blair was scathing in his criticism of
Sharp despising him for the arch turn coat he was . In 1662 Blair
and hundreds of other Presbyterian ministers was ` outed ` from
their ministries and he was confined to his quarters in
Edinburgh, then allowed to retire to Inveresk. After a while
he was allowed to move around, except to St Andrews, and went to
Kirkcaldy where he continued to preach at private meetings and
taught his younger son the Greek language and logic. Here again
the pernicious blight and spite of Archbishop Sharp followed him
when an act was introduced prohibiting an outed minister
residing within 20 miles of the archbishops see.. Thus in
February 1666 Blair moved to Meikle Couston in the Parish of
Aberdour where surrounded by many friends he passed away on 27
July. He lies buried in Aberdour kirk yard.
Perhaps his
epitaph is well described by an English merchant who visited St
Andrews and heard Blair preach who said :
“ I heard a
sweet majestic man and he showed me the majesty of God “