Scottish Covenanter Memorials Association.

Association was founded in 1966 by three men,
William Stirling, Walter Storrar and William Miller, who
saw that the memorials to the Covenanters were in poor
condition. They made the first efforts to go round the
countryside cleaning graves, painting railings and
bringing the memorials to the notice of local authorities.
The Association became a registered Scottish Charity in
The aims of
the Association are to restore, repair and preserve the
graves and memorials to the Covenanters; and to promote a
greater awareness of our religious and historical
heritage. To this end local members are encouraged to help
in their locality, doing simple jobs such as weeding plots
and tidying up. Cleaning stones requires special care and
may best be done by professionals. Stones that are
degrading or damaged are repaired by professional
masons and sculptors paid from Association funds.

Interested in helping this
worthwhile cause ? Even if you cannot help
physically in the maintenance work your subscription will
still help pay for the professional help that is needed.
Come and Join us.
Visit the Association web
site at