The Hampton Court Conference, Jan. 1604.
( Extracted summary from Select Statutes and Constitutional Documents – Elizabeth I and James I.
Ed G.W.Protheroe, Clarendon Press (1894)).
The sum of what was concluded at this conference will appear in this following authentic paper, which seems to be [by] the hand of the Bishop of London [Bancroft].
A note of such things as shall he reformed in the Church.
1. The Absolution shall be called the Absolution or General Remission of Sins.
2. The Confirmation shall be called the Confirmation or Further Examination of children’s faith.
3. The Private Baptism, now by laymen and women, shall be called the Private Baptism by the ministers only; and all those questions in that baptism, which insinuate it to be done by women, taken away.
4. The Apocrypha, that hath some repugnancy to the canonical scripture, shall not be read and other places chosen which either are explanations of scripture or suit best for good life and manners.
5. The jurisdiction of the bishops shall be somewhat limited, and to have either the dean and chapter, or some grave minister assistant to them in ordination, suspension, degradation, &c.
6. The excommunication, as it is now used, shall he taken away both in name and nature. And a writ out of the chancery, to punish the contumacious, shall be framed.
7. The Kingdom of lreland, the borders of Scotland, and all Wales, to be planted with schools and preachers as soon as may be.
8. As many learned ministers, and maintenance for them, to be provided in such places of England, where there is want, as may be.
9. As few double-beneficed men and pluralities as may be; and those that have double benefices to maintain preachers, and to have their livings as near as may be one to the other.
10. One uniform translation of the Bible to be made, and only to be used in all the churches of England.
ii. One Catechism to be made and used
in all places.
12. The Articles of Religion to be explained and enlarged; and no man to teach or read against any of them,
13. A care had, to observe who do not receive the communion once in the year: the ministers to certify the bishops, the bishops the archbishops, and the archbishops the King.
14. An inhibition for Popish books to be brought over; and if any come, to be delivered into their hands only that are fit to have them.
15. The High Commission to be reformedand reduced to higher causes and fewer persons, and those of more honour and better qualities.
Strype,Whitgift, voL II p.501.