Letter of Queen Elizabeth
to James VI February 1589, about the treasonous letters

Quoted in Calderwood`s
vol v, p7-8

“ MY DEERE BROTHER,- I have ere now assured you, that als
long  as I  found you  constant in aimitie
towards me, I would be your faithfull watche, to shunne
all mishappes  or dangers that, by assured
intelligence, I might compasse to give you.  And
according to my good devotioun and affectioun, it hath
pleased God to make me, of  late, so fortunate 
as to have intercepted a messinger, ( whom I keepe safe
for you)  that caried letters of high treasoun to
your person and kingdome; and can doe no lesse, that with
most gladenesse, send you the discovered treasoun, such as
you may see, as in a glasse, the true prtrature of my late
wairning letters; which, if  then it had pleased you
follow, als weill as read, you might have taikin their
persons, receaved their treason, and shunnes  their
further strenthenin, which hathe growne daylie by your too
great neglecting and suffering of so manie practises
which, at the beginning, might easilie have been

Permitt me, I pray you, my deere brother, to use als muche
plainnesse as I bear you sinceritie, your supposing to
deale moderatlie and indifferentlie to both factions,and
not  to take or punishe, at the first, so notorious
offenders, as such durst send to a forane king’   
for forces to land in your land under what pretense so
ever, without your speciall directioun, , the same never
punished ; but rather, hold foote decre and neere, with a
parentage of neer allya.  Good Lord! me thinke I doe
but dreame: no king a weeke  would beare this ! Their
forces assembled, and held neere your persoun, held plotts
to take your persoun neere the sea-side; and thatall this
wrapped up with giving them offices, that they might the
better accomplishe their treasoun !  These be not the
formes of governements that my yeeres have experimented. I
would yours  had noucht, for I sweare unto you myne
sould never in like sort.

 I exhort you be not subject to suche weakenesse, to to
suffer suche lewdnesse so long to roote, as all your
strenth sall not plucke up, (which God forbid !) 
which to shunne, after you have perused this great packet
that I sent you, take speedie order least you linger too
long; and take counsell of few, but of wise and trustie. 
For if they suspect your knowledge they will shunne your
apprehensioun. Therefore, of a suddantie they must be
clapped up in saifer custodie than some others have beene,
which hath bred their laughter.  You  see my
follie when I am entered to mater that tuicheth you so 
neere.  I know riot how to end, but with my prayers
to God to guide you for your best.  My agent with you
sall tell you the rest.

Your most assured loving sister and consignesse,

(Sic subscribitur)      ”